Children, Youth and Young Adults are valued and are an integral group within Community of Christ. Ministry is available at both a local congregational level and at a wider Mission Centre level, to invite young people to get to know Christ, to develop their own individual relationship with God and to help them grow both personally and spiritually
Children, Youth & Young Adult Ministry & Mission Centre Activities
Community of Christ has a well-established camp programme which has been running for over 50 years. Each year a range of camps is available for children and youth. At these camps, young people have the opportunity to share with others from around the British Isles and our wider church community from around the world in a mixed range of activities including games, discussions and worship. Our children’s and youth ministry programme also seeks to help young people develop holistically, to share and develop their gifts, grow in life skills, develop a positive self-worth and belief, and to find a place to belong within their community.
Our children, youth and young adult ministries programme offers:
- Explorers Camp staying at Dunfield House (For children in education Key Stage 2)
- Adventurers Camp staying at Dunfield House (for young people in education Key Stage 3 and Year 10)
- Youth Rally staying at Dunfield House (for young people in education Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 5)
- Primitive Camp under canvas at Dunfield House (for young people in education Key Stage 4 and 5) - runs on alternate years to Eurotribe & International Youth Forum
- Eurotribe - alternates at venues across Europe - an opportunity to join with youth from different countries, takes place every 4 years
- International Youth Forum & Spectacular - for youth to gather together from all over the world, takes place in the US every four years
- Young adult-focused ministries staying at Dunfield House and other venues (ages 18 – 29 years old)
- Mission Centre Young Adult-focused ministries
- Mission Centre young adult events
- Children, youth and young adults are encouraged to attend Mission Centre Conferences and take an active part in leading worship, discussions and dealing with the business of the church
All the children and youth ministry activities within Community of Christ are planned, organised and run by our own registered youth workers. All our youth workers are required to complete prerequisite training, hold a current DBS and have up-to-date safeguarding training and certificates. The majority of our camps take place at Dunfield House, a large house owned by Community of Christ which has been running youth camps there since 1965. Dunfield House is in a beautiful corner of Herefordshire close to the Welsh border two miles West of Kington Herefordshire. Situated in 15 acres of terraced lawns, grassed play areas, woodlands and streams, it's a great place for fun, exploring and adventure. The campsites, peace garden, labyrinth, outdoor meeting space, games room and indoor heated pool all help to create an environment of how good the world can be for our young people. This creates a safe space where children and youth are empowered to explore their own personal spirituality and prayer life and develop their understanding and faith in God. Dunfield can accommodate 95 people, 73 in the house and 22 in the Stables and provides an excellent facility for children to have a rich experience in a safe and fun environment. Check out for more information.
Kath Mahaffey is our minister with a special focus on Youth ministry.
So, what is it like to be a Young Adult in Community of Christ?
Young Adult ministry is for young people aged between 18 and 29. There is an open invitation to all young adults to become involved in both formal and informal ministry to share together in fellowship with the Spirit. Young Adult ministry provides an opportunity for young people to be with each other to develop their faith and their desire to deepen their relationship with God, with each other and with Community of Christ.
Our Vision for Young Adult Ministries in the British Isles is to provide
- A safe environment and community where individuals can continue to be nurtured, grow, strengthen and deepen their faith as part of community.
- A safe place to try new ideas, explore questions and different views, share testimonies and find encouragement to fully embrace their faith.
- A safe place to live out their calling, whatever and however they feel called to live out their faith in relationship with God.
- Opportunities and events where Young Adults can gather and help fuel each other's faith. To replenish through receiving to enable them to be able to leave and continue to live their lives feeling fully alive and awake to the spirit.
- Opportunities to feel in touch with God.
- A place to help grow and develop disciples to serve; where they can develop skills in sharing their story, planning worships and their understanding of scripture. To feel strong, supported and empowered to live out their faith.
- A place to have fun being with each other and to share with other young adults with similar values.
- A place to discuss and share how their lives are shaped as they explore and embark on the adventure of what it truly means to be a disciple.
- A place to feel empowered supported and encouraged to live out their faith and discipleship however they feel called, whether within a congregation or within the communities where they live.
- A sense of connectedness to God, each other and the church however many miles apart they may be.
- A place to feel and find a strong sense of connection, peace, acceptance, love and fulfilment. A spiritual home to belong to and call home.
Jake Goodier and Leanne Grooms are our ministers with a specific focus on our Young Adult ministries for young people aged between 18 - 29.